Posted by: reachdev | January 28, 2009

And So It Begins!

After months of procrastination I have finally started a blog. This puts me among the 200,000 other bloggers on WordPress alone. What then, do I have to say that will make this site any more unique than rest of the locations you could visit? Well, I’ve got a few years on me and experience can bring about some viable ideas. Also I have spent the past 20 years helping people to get better at the way they deal with each other. While not everybody I have met wants to improve themselves, almost everyone I know wants their lives to be better. The only question is, “Do they want to do the work?” But then that’s always the question.

I found the picture of the sleeping man to be an interesting vision of “Developing Thoughts”. While I’m far from being as young as this man, I did spend much of my college years in a similar pose. Well, I hope that the writings that appear here are informational and enjoyable. I welcome your comments and the opportunity to debate, but hope that we can remain civil – even in our anonymity.

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